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Textfield Formulas With Python Script Not Updating

카테고리 없음

by roylidogtfor1971 2020. 2. 10. 02:42


Suppose you want to write to a Google Spreadsheet from a Python script. Here’s an example spreadsheet that you might want to update from a script: I did some searching and found this page, which quickly led me to the Python Developer’s Guide for the Google Spreadsheet API.

I'm new to Python. I am writing a script that will numerically integrate a set of ordinary differential equations using a Runge-Kutta method. Since the Runge-Kutta method is a useful mathematical algorithm, I've put it in its own.py file, rk4.py. Def rk4(x,dt): k1=diff(x).dt k2=diff(x+k1/2).dt k3=diff(x+k2/2).dt k4=diff(x+k3).dt return x+(k1+2.k2+2.k3+k4)/6 The method needs to know the set of equations that the user is working with in order to perform the algorithm, so it calls a function diff(x) that will find give rk4 the derivatives it needs to work.

Textfield Formulas With Python Script Not Updating Windows 10

Since the equations will change by use, I want diff to be defined in the script that will run the particular problem. In this case the problem is the orbit of mercury, so I wrote mercury.py. (This isn't how it will look in the end, but I've simplified it for the sake of figuring out what I'm doing.) from rk4 import rk4 import numpy as np def diff(x): return x def mercury(u0,phi0,dphi): x=np.array(u0,phi0) dt=2 x=rk4(x,dt) return x mercury(1,1,2) When I run mercury.py, I get an error: File 'PATH/mercury.py', line 10, in mercury x=rk4(x,dt) File 'PATH/rk4.py', line 2, in rk4 k1=diff(x).dt NameError: global name 'diff' is not defined I take it since diff is not a global function, when rk4 runs it knows nothing about diff. Obviously rk4 is a small piece of code and I could just shove it into whatever script I'm using at the time, but I think a Runge-Kutta integrator is a fundamental mathematical tool, just like the array defined in NumPy, and so it makes sense to make it a function that is called rather one that is defined in every script that uses it (which may be many). But I also can't go telling rk4.py to import a particular diff from a particular.py file, because that ruins the generality of rk4 that I want in the first place.

Text field formulas with python script not updating in inspectorTextfield formulas with python script not updating windows 10Script

Is there a way to define diff globally within a script like mercury.py so that when rk4 is called, it will know about diff? Accept the function as an argument: def rk4(diff, # accept an argument of the function to call x, dt) k1=diff(x).dt k2=diff(x+k1/2).dt k3=diff(x+k2/2).dt k4=diff(x+k3).dt return x+(k1+2.k2+2.k3+k4)/6 Then, when you call rk4, simply pass in the function to be executed: from rk4 import rk4 import numpy as np def diff(x): return x def mercury(u0,phi0,dphi): x=np.array(u0,phi0) dt=2 x=rk4(diff, # here we send the function to rk4 x, dt) return x mercury(1,1,2) It might be a good idea for mercury to accept diff as an argument too, rather than getting it from the closure (the surrounding code). You then have to pass it in as usual - your call to mercury in the last line would read mercury(diff, 1, 1, 2). Functions are 'first-class citizens' in Python (as is nearly everything, including classes and modules), in the sense that they can be used as arguments, be held in lists, be assigned to names in namespaces, etc etc.

I like the Python script idea. You know what is amazing, is that thanks to Matt Cutts I actually know what all this stuff is now, and I dont know of any lawyer who knows as much about social media, SEO, etc., as me because of Matt’s videos and blog. I used to think Google were a bunch of closed society creeps, but their one employee, Matt Cutts, changed that. BTW, I redesigned my ehlinelaw dot com site and based it in large part on what I learned from you. I would appreciate a comment or two from you and any of the old timers in here.